El Síndic retrau al Consell la greu demora del centre de valoració de discapacitat d’Alacant
13-02-2025The Regional Ombudsman of Valencia, José Cholbi, has received the response from the City Council, through the Councillor of Relations with the Ombudsman, Vicente Igual, accepting the Ombudsman’s decision dated in August this year, in which Cholbi asked to take the necessary measures to preserve the land and fencing in proper safe and healthy conditions
Cholbi opened this inquiry after receiving a complaint from a neighbour whose house adjoined a plot of land in Ruaya Street destined to build a parking and a garden on its top. In her letter to the Ombudsman, the complainant stated that the works began several years ago, then they were brought to a halt because of the archaeological remains found in the plot
. The search came to an end, and since then the land has been in poor sanitary conditions. This situation is causing discomfort among neighbours due to the presence of garbage, rodents and insects.
In this context, once the Ombudsman had received the initial report from Valencia Town Hall and the respective complainant’s claim, he made a decision on this case; he reminded Valencia Town Hall that according to Section 206 of the Act 16/2005 de 30 de diciembre, Urbanística Valenciana (LUV) los propietarios de los terrenos, construcciones y edificios deberán mantenerlos en condiciones de seguridad, salubridad, ornato público y decoro, realizando los trabajos y obras precisas para conservar o habilitar en ellos las condiciones imprescindibles de habitabilidad ( …)
. Section 212.1 of this Act provides the possibility of dictar órdenes de ejecución de obras de reparación, conservación y rehabilitación que puedan conminar, asimismo, a la limpieza, el vallado, retirada de cartels u otros elementos impropios del inmueble
For all the above, Cholbi has expressed his satisfaction today with the Councillor’s response, in which Mr. Leal reports, among other things, that he has adopted the necessary steps to undertake appropriate measures in order to clean, fill and finally leave the plot in the same conditions prior to the start of the work
. Moreover, Mr. Leal has instructed the Delegation of Traffic and Transportation to take the necessary procedures regarding the monitoring and satisfactory resolution of this particular complaint
Please click here in case you want to see the Ombudsman’s decision in Spanish.